there is a warrior in each of us
We’ve been conditioned to believe that seeking guidance in areas like relationships, finances, sexuality, and purpose is a waste of time.
But we’re wasting time by not prioritizing these.
When we ignore these areas of our lives, it leads to:
Shutting down emotionally
Strained relationships with our partners, friends, and family
Losing sight of our purpose
Enduring a sense of emptiness
Taking on more than we can handle
Detrimental health issues and ailments
Feeling exhausted, anxious, and unfulfilled
In turn, we resort to addictions, distractions, and other ways to cope - numbing ourselves from the pain and living life on autopilot.
You are not alone.
We all face the challenges of life - whether it’s moving through a divorce, chronic pain, or even feeling like you’re not enough. Sometimes traditional methods don’t provide all the answers we need.
But there is another way…
Ditch the stress of uncertainty. Create the life you want.
The Danvers Wellness Center team has experienced a myriad of life lessons and challenges from people pleasing to rekindling a relationship with a child to stressful, hostile work environments and even difficulty losing weight.
We’ve been there. We’ve lost our way.
And now our mission is simple…
It’s to support you and guide you through life’s challenges so that you can live a stress-free, pain-free, and happier life that brings out the warrior within you.
Meet the Team
Michael LoColle
Health & Wellness Coach
Stephanie Parker
Peace of Mind Coach
Matthew Stewart
Somatic Practitioner & Transformation Coach
Courtney Lillie
Somatic Empowerment Coach