dna nutrition coaching



Learn how to take simple yet effective steps to revitalizing your body and recognize how we are tempted everyday by brilliant marketing techniques to think we are eating and staying health.  We simplify the process with our DNA Based Nutrition Coaching Program.

We also work with you 1-1 on Nutrition Coaching to offer you a tailored approach to your lifestyle.

take the guesswork out of weight management

DNA Based Nutrition Coaching starts with a meeting with one of our certified nutrition coaches to discuss your current challenges with your nutrition and your goals related to your physical and mental health.

DNA Based Nutrition Coaching is an ideal way to learn about your nutrition behavior and receive guidance on how to improve or completely change the behavior, so you feel energized and alert during the day and sleep peacefully at night. Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, lose stubborn belly fat, gain strength, prevent bloating, inflammation & disease, you need assistance and coaching is a way to stay focused and reach your goals.


Look & Feel Younger, Live a Longer Life

how does dna-based coaching work?

dna based nutrition testing and holistic nutrition services at Danvers Wellness Center in Danvers MA

The science can now help identify specific genes that dictate how the human body utilizes protein, carbs, fats, caffeine, analyzes vitamins & minerals and so much more.  How types of nutrition plans affect the body, and how the body’s unique metabolic and physiologic functions influence weight loss and athletic performance.

Programs tailored to an individual’s DNA have proven to be much more effective than one-size-fits-all programs because they take the guesswork out of health management.