Believing in yourself is the reason people either succeed or fail in life.

Belief is the reason people either succeed or fail in life.  It’s that simple!  Now, it’s not a belief in something more than yourself but a belief in YOU. 

The number one reason people fail at something is because they don’t commit to themselves, and they don’t commit to themselves because they don’t believe that they can accomplish it. 

Why don’t they believe they can accomplish it?

They don’t believe in themselves!

I’ve had a few successes in my life and well more failures than I count. I have looked back on my life and seen so much chaos and all because I didn’t believe in myself.  I spent most of my time looking for acceptance from the outside world.  I was always looking to be appreciated or just acknowledged or trying to prove my worth to everyone. 

Why? I grew up with a set of beliefs about myself that said that I wouldn’t amount to anything.  I wasn’t good at anything.  I didn’t like school and didn’t excel at it.  I was not going to college and well that’s the only way people can be successful so I just said all I can do is work these jobs and never succeed at life.  I wasn’t handed that card.

I was told many of those things above and they stuck with me well into adulthood.  It was like a broken record replaying itself in my life and it didn’t matter in what area of my life.  Jobs, relationships, money.  I had a set of beliefs that weren’t working for me.  I blamed a lot of it on the outside world and settled for well that’s just the way it is for me.

It wasn’t until I got real with myself and took a hard look in the mirror after a traumatic breakup I had.  It left me with high anxiety, very low self-esteem & a took the already broken relationship I had with myself to another level of trauma.

I spent a few months alone, analyzing what happened.  Why was it that I kept attracting the same person just in a different body?  I finally looked inward and asked the question again and, in that moment, I saw everything that had plagued my life. 

It was me, my belief system.  The not good enough person. 

I was the person I was attracting, broken, suffering in silence but looking outward seeking attention and approval.  We attract what we are, not what we want.  To attract what you want you must become that which you want.  That’s what I read once in a Wayne Dyer book. 

My relationships were a mirror image showing me what I needed to work on and yet for years I ignored it until it couldn’t be ignored any longer. 

In the same moment I also saw the little boy, crying out and that’s when it hit me.  It wasn’t me the man, but the little boy inside that hadn’t healed and he was the one that was crying out for attention and approval because he never got it as a child.  I had lived the better part of my life thinking I wasn’t enough because someone told me that.

I was stunned to come to this massive realization about myself and it left me in shock for some time.  How did I just see this?  I looked back at all my relationships, issues and how they all started and played out and ended.  My life was on repeat.  Talk about a ton of bricks hitting you! 

In that same moment though I found myself feeling completely differently about myself.  I was suddenly seeing differently, thinking differently.  It was as if, a reboot happened, and I was no longer in trauma.  I no longer felt that I needed the approval of anyone.  I didn’t seek attention it was just the opposite.  I found myself retreating to a quieter place, making my life calmer.  And, just like that I was this new me.  It took a while for what I refer to as the upgrade to take hold, there were remnants of that old life that old me still lingering but they felt foreign and further away from the person that I am today.  No longer needed but my soul needed time to let go of things. 

It’s a hard thing to change and it’s even harder letting go out what you have known your entire life.  It happened so quickly but I still needed time to adjust to the new me.  It’s a process, one I have given myself to as I want to be better every day. 

I have committed to myself for the first time in my life, really committed because this time around I truly believe in myself.  I don’t look outward for approval, but I look inward to feel what’s right for me.  My belief system these days cannot be shaken because I know every day that I am worth it, I am deserving because of who I am and what I do is important. 

You are the only one that is holding you back in any part of your life, be it money, family, relationships, & jobs.  Stop blaming others and take responsibility for yourself and become better today.

Coach Michael

Intuitive Energy Healer, Movement Specialist & Nutrition Coach

Shamanic/Reiki Healing

Unleash Your Potential: Are you ready to embark on a path of holistic well-being and inner transformation? Subscribe now to explore the endless possibilities that await you at Danvers Wellness Center by Soul Warrior.


85 Constitution Lane, Unit 200F Danvers, MA 01923

Phone: 1-800-931-9903

Services Offered: Personal Training Nutritional Coaching Movement Therapy (Assisted Stretching) Reiki Energy Healing Life Coaching Tarot Card Readings

Danvers Wellness Center

Danvers Wellness Center Mission

Danvers Wellness Center by Soul Warrior is dedicated to helping its members heal Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually through healing modalities such as: Movement Therapy, Personal Training, Stretch Sessions, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing Sessions, Reiki, Meditation, Nutrition Coaching, Community & Healing Circles & Educational Workshops.

How to find Holistic Reiki Wellness Practitioners & Personal Training Center in Danvers Ma


My Pain, My Tears, My Transformation, w/ Stephanie Parker