
The Importance of Self-Love: Why Loving Yourself Changes Everything
Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center

The Importance of Self-Love: Why Loving Yourself Changes Everything

Are you constantly searching for love and approval from outside of yourself? Maybe it’s from your parents, your partner, or your children. Maybe you grew up getting praised by coaches and teachers. This external love helps to temporarily fill a void within us, especially when it’s near constant since we’re getting it from all areas of our lives.

It’s what happens when we live in a society that teaches us to chase success, accomplishment, and beauty – we fall into the trap of external validation.

But what if the love we truly need has been right in front of us all along?

This is where self-love comes into play, and it’s one of the most powerful ways to heal yourself.

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How Early Money Beliefs Shape Our Financial Future
Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center

How Early Money Beliefs Shape Our Financial Future

This past weekend, my husband and I decided to visit the local breakfast cafe where they placed us next to an adorable little family, a mommy, a daddy and a sweet baby girl. As I was eating, I looked to my left thinking she is so calm just minding her P’s and Q’s as her parents enjoyed their pancakes. Their table was very close to ours so I loved looking over to her, smiling back and forth and could see that she was a very content little girl when suddenly, her face lit up, and left arm reached out as her daddy pulled dollar bills from his wallet. She wanted to see what was in her Daddy’s wallet. We all started to laugh and I said “That is hysterical, she lit up when you pulled money out of your wallet.” He replied, “She loves shoes too.” Her Mom said, “I don’t know where she gets it, I think he is in trouble, he has no idea what’s to come.”

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unlocking Your Body’s Wisdom: The Power of Somatic Literacy
Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center

unlocking Your Body’s Wisdom: The Power of Somatic Literacy

When it comes to healing and personal growth, the traditional approach often starts from the top and works its way down. This "top-down" model begins with the mind, focusing on thoughts, which then influence emotions and, finally, the sensations of the body. While effective for many, this model can overlook the immense wisdom of the body—the soma—as a living, interconnected system.

But what if we flipped the script? Enter somatic literacy: a "bottom-up" approach that begins with the sensations in the body, allowing them to inform our emotions and, ultimately, our thoughts and stories. By starting with the soma—the living wholeness of the body, distinct from the mind—we create a powerful path to healing, connection, and transformation.

For 20 years, I was stuck in a cycle of talk therapy coupled with medicating myself for anxiety, depression, and addictions. Therapy seemed like it should help, but my struggles only grew worse over time. I felt like I was chasing my tail, endlessly dissecting my thoughts while trying to quiet the storm of emotions and sensations underneath. It wasn’t until I got out of my mind and into my body that everything changed for me.

This shift wasn’t just a breakthrough—it was a lifeline. Learning to tune into the language of my body helped me uncover and address the roots of my struggles in a way that years of therapy never could. Somatic literacy became my bridge to freedom, and it can be yours too.

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The Importance of Slowing Down: How Small Changes Can Create Big Benefits
Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center

The Importance of Slowing Down: How Small Changes Can Create Big Benefits

It feels like we’re always rushing… We’re juggling work, family, and a never-ending to-do list. We’re all driving in the fast lane of life.

But have you ever wondered what the consequences of this is?

When I ask someone what they want to feel more of in their life, the answer is always the same: peace and calm.

What if slowing down is the key to getting exactly what you want?

Let’s chat a little about why slowing down matters, how rushing negatively impacts us, and simple ways to create peaceful moments throughout your days.

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Embracing the Seasons of Fitness: A Year-Round Journey
Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center Health and nutrition Danvers Wellness Center

Embracing the Seasons of Fitness: A Year-Round Journey

Just like the seasons of the year, our routines and nutrition change with the seasons. In the summer, we typically find ourselves with higher energy while in winter our energy is lower. Spring brings more fresh fruits and vegetables while fall offers more root vegetables and grains. It’s okay to change our fitness and nutrition based on the season the earth is in (and the season we are in). Here is a quick guide for what to focus on for each season for nutrition and fitness!

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Choosing the Right Personal Trainer: Go Beyond the Reps and Sets at Danvers Wellness Center
Physical movement Danvers Wellness Center Physical movement Danvers Wellness Center

Choosing the Right Personal Trainer: Go Beyond the Reps and Sets at Danvers Wellness Center

Starting a fitness journey is a significant step towards achieving your health and wellness goals, as well as improving your quality of life. While the gym is filled with personal trainers offering their expertise, it’s important to recognize that not all trainers are created equal. A personal trainer is more than someone who can guide you through a workout – it’s a professional who can address your unique needs, including nutrition, psychology, and a holistic approach to well-being. Selecting the right personal trainer for you means you need to ask some questions…

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