January’s Celestial Magic: True Sky Planetary Movements

Winter is now upon us, and with that comes the cosmos moving through the deeper, more reflective signs. Let’s journey through this month’s planetary movements and connect with the mysteries of the universe.

Mercury Moves Direct (January 1st)

After being in retrograde from December 13th, Mercury, our planet of communication, will station direct. This means that it will be easier to express ourselves when writing and speaking. And we may even see less technology issues (YAY!). At this point, Mercury will be within the constellation Ophiuchus. With Mercury in Ophiuchus, we are learning how to deepen our communication with ourselves and others to help with the healing process.

Venus Enters Scorpio (January 1st)

Venus is our planet of relationships and Scorpio is our sign of sensuality. I think this one might be a little self-explanatory…. 😉

Take time to explore what pleasure means to you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yes, there ARE different kinds of pleasure. Scorpio asks us to connect deeper with ourselves and our intimate relationships through pleasure. Reflect on what makes you truly feel good and be open to trying new things!

Last Quarter Moon: Reflection & Release (January 3rd)

The last quarter moon is in Virgo. This is a perfect time to reflect on what was brought in during this cycle and what still needs to be released. Virgo asks us to do this methodically - actually write out these things and make a list. It is also important to take time to mother ourselves during this time. How are you taking care of you?

Venus Enters Ophiuchus (January 6th)

Our planet of relationships moves signs once again! This time into the dark feminine, Ophiuchus. She is our serpent master, transformation master, and the shadow self. We are called to shed any old beliefs, thoughts, and patterns with our relationship to ourselves and with others. What can you let go of? Being the dark feminine, Ophiuchus also asks us to dive into our femininity within our relationships. (PS – every single one of us has both feminine and masculine within us. This is the perfect time to explore that balance.)

Mercury Enters Sagittarius (January 10th)

Mercury is our planet of communication and Sagittarius is our divine fire. This constellation shows us how to play with fire in a safe way. This combination asks us to look at what lights our fire to speak about. It is also important to recognize that when we speak with fiery words, they can hurt. Be aware of your communication and think about how to balance the fire out with other energies.

New Moon in Sagittarius (January 11th)

The new moon is a time of darkness and stillness. It’s the winter of the moon’s cycle. We are called to reflect and prepare for the action to be taken during this cycle. Set intentions, practice gratitude, and take care of yourself energetically. Sagittarius asks us to be connected to our inner fire. Our intentions for this moon cycle should be connected to whatever lights us up!

Pluto Enters Capricorn (January 13th)

Pluto is our planet of transformation and our cosmic messenger. Capricorn offers grounding energy after being in Sagittarius – a fire sign. We saw a lot of transformation happening while Pluto was in Sagittarius. Now it’s time to ground ourselves. Take walks in nature, connect to our root chakra, and remember that Mother Earth is always here to help us.

First Quarter Moon: Taking Inspired Action (January 17th)

The first quarter moon calls for us to start taking action. This moon is in Pisces so we might feel extra emotional during this time. It’s important that we tune into the emotions we feel and allow them to be released. Releasing is taking action. We must release what no longer serves us to bring in what we desire! Allow yourself to cry or scream or punch your pillow. It’s all okay (as long as you and others aren’t harmed in the process).

Venus Enters Sagittarius (January 20th)

We’re back to our lovely planet of relationships moving into Sagittarius which is bringing the heat! We might feel the need to stand up for ourselves in our relationships and Sagittarius will help us to do just that. During this time, take precautions with how you are communicating (Mercury is also in Sagittarius, so we’re feeling pretty feisty!)

Sun Enters Capricorn (January 21st)

True Capricorn season finally begins! Sagittarius brought us the fire and now Capricorn allows us to ground ourselves. We might feel a little disconnected since we were reflecting on how we put ourselves out in the world. Capricorn offers us time to put our feet back on the cool earth. Reflect on how you can best connect with earth during this season. If you’re feeling heavy (which is typical of earth seasons), head outside and take a few deep breaths of fresh air.

Full Cold Moon in Cancer (January 25th)

The full moon is a time for celebration and harvesting! The January full moon is typically known as the cold moon. It’s the first full moon in the Gregorian calendar year and this year it is the second full moon in the winter season. With the moon being in the constellation Cancer, we are feeling lots of emotions. The beauty of Cancer is just that! Now we are being asked to listen to those emotions and find healthy ways to release them.

Uranus Stations Direction (January 27th)

After being in retrograde from August 29th, we will be able to see Uranus moving direct again! This means that it will be much easier to connect with our creative side. Uranus is the planet of innovation and rebellion. We will now see Uranus moving forward in the constellation Aries, so we will pick up on the fiery energy and be open to new ideas while also being called to go against the grain.

Other Celestial Updates

Mars stays within the constellation Sagittarius, connecting our root chakra to fiery energy.

Jupiter remains within the fiery realms of Aries, allowing us to expand our horizons with lots of energy.

Saturn continues forward in Aquarius, allowing us to connect with our quirky side while re-parenting ourselves.

Neptune borders on the line of Pisces and Aquarius while in retrograde, inviting us to explore our spirituality, intuition, and the unseen.

Chiron, the wounded healer, remains in retrograde within Pisces, urging us to embrace our vulnerabilities and find healing within our wounds.


As January comes and goes, open yourself up to the changes the cosmic energy can bring. Each movement within the cosmos carries unique gifts and lessons. As we align ourselves with these cycles and rhythms, we can connect deeper to ourselves through our journey of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual enlightenment. Embrace the wisdom the universe brings through this cosmic movement!

Courtney Lillie, Cosmic Connection Guide

Courtney Lillie is a Cosmic Connection Guide who specializes in connecting souls to the energies of the cosmos for divine insight and healing. She offers reiki energy healing, cosmic healing, true sky astrology readings, and tarot/oracle card readings. All of her services are offered in-person and virtually!


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