True Sidereal Astrology: A Cosmic Connection Beyond Time

Astrology has been a guiding light for seekers of self-discovery and cosmic insight for millennia. While Western (Tropical) astrology is widely practiced, True Sidereal astrology offers a unique perspective, connecting us to the universe in a way that transcends conventional calendars. In this blog post, we will explore the origins, differences, workings, and cosmic connection of True Sidereal astrology, including how your True Sidereal birth chart or natal chart may differ from the Western/Tropical chart.


Origins of True Sidereal Astrology

True Sidereal astrology traces its origins to ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians and the Egyptians. These cultures observed the night sky and developed intricate systems to map celestial movements. True Sidereal astrology shares roots with these early astrological traditions.


Difference Between Western and True Sidereal Astrology

The primary distinction between Western (Tropical) astrology and True Sidereal astrology lies in their reference points:

1. Western (Tropical) Astrology: Western astrology is based on the tropical zodiac, which aligns with the seasons. It uses the vernal equinox (the beginning of spring) as the starting point for the Aries sign, irrespective of the current positions of stars. In Western astrology, there are 12 houses and 12 constellations.

2. True Sidereal Astrology: True Sidereal astrology, on the other hand, aligns with the actual positions of stars in the sky. It calculates the zodiac based on the fixed stars' positions and the precession of the equinoxes. This approach reflects the real positions of celestial bodies. True sidereal astrology also utilizes a 13 constellation system which aligns with the amount of constellations that are along the ecliptic.


How True Sidereal Astrology Works

True Sidereal astrology works by mapping celestial bodies' positions at the moment of an individual's birth, just like Western astrology. However, due to the differing reference points, a True Sidereal birth chart or natal chart may differ significantly from the Western/Tropical chart.


Differences Between True Sidereal and Western Birth Charts

Here are some common differences you might encounter when comparing your True Sidereal birth chart to your Western/Tropical birth chart:

1. Sign Changes: The most noticeable difference is that the signs of the zodiac in your True Sidereal chart may be shifted compared to your Western chart. For example, if you were a Taurus in Western astrology, you might be an Aries in True Sidereal astrology.

2. Planetary Placements: The positions of planets in your True Sidereal chart may differ slightly from their positions in your Western chart, affecting interpretations of your personality traits and life events.

3. House Systems: Different astrologers use various house systems for calculating the division of your birth chart. True Sidereal astrology often uses different house systems than Western astrology, which can lead to variations in house placements.

4. Ascendant (Rising Sign): Your Ascendant sign may differ between the two systems, which can impact your knowledge about your self-presentation and outward personality.


Connecting to the Universe Instead of a Calendar

True Sidereal astrology emphasizes a direct connection to the cosmos by anchoring the zodiac to the positions of fixed stars. This connection is thought to offer a more precise and authentic reflection of an individual's cosmic blueprint.

Unlike Western astrology, which aligns with the seasons and can drift over time due to the precession of the equinoxes, True Sidereal astrology remains closely linked to the stars' positions. It offers a cosmic lens through which individuals can explore their spiritual path, karma, and destiny.

True Sidereal astrology is a time-honored practice that reconnects us with the universe in a profound way. By aligning with the positions of fixed stars, it offers a unique and accurate perspective on our individual journeys and the cosmic forces that influence our lives. Whether you're a seasoned astrologer or a curious seeker, exploring True Sidereal astrology can deepen your understanding of the cosmos and your place within it. It's a cosmic connection beyond time, offering timeless wisdom for the modern world.

Courtney Lillie, Cosmic Connection Guide & Reiki Master

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