WEllness is self-care

Wellness is a gift which, like any gift, requires thoughtful planning and energy to obtain it, beautifully wrap it and then gift it to others. Our lives are all precious and we are in control of taking the one and only body we are born with and treating it kindly as well as cherishing it. No one is going to cherish it more than yourself. The best version of yourself, whether physically or mentally is when we can focus on self-care and help others and that is critical to our overall feeling of purpose and satisfaction.

Illness, on the other hand, can invade and permeate our personal wellness. What is the main cause of most illnesses today? Stress causes inflammation which is the root cause of most illness! The cortisol hormone is surging and attacking our adrenal glands and overworking them every day and we allow it. Yup, we do it to ourselves. We allow it to overwhelm us. Did you notice I said we allow it?

That is because stress is controllable. I have learned the hard way and after ten years of studying, listening to medical doctors and holistic wellness practitioners, researching and reading many articles and books and studying energy and healing, I can say with confidence that stress leads to illness, but we have the ability to control it and help ourselves prevent illness and heal from illness.

Recently, in my own circle of life, I have witnessed, firsthand how the illness of others, whether physically or mentally, can spill over to those who are unaware of how the illness causes stress and that stress can suck the life out of those that are typically healthy and energetic.

Please, let us all understand the term SELF-CARE is CARING and SELFLESS. If we forget about taking care of ourselves when illness is surrounding us, who are we hurting? Ourselves. Every decade of our lives, someone in our circle of life is ill and struggling. Your everyday job in life is to take care YOU so you can be your best for everyone else in your life, whether it be your children, grandchildren, spouse, significant other, coworkers, clients, friends and relatives.

Self-Care is the kindest and most generous Care.

Suggested ways to Practice Self-Care

  • Exercise 2-3x/week (cardio, strength, balance, mobility)

  • Quality Sleep 7-8 hours per day

  • Nutrition-Balanced and Nutrient Dense packed with essential vitamins & minerals

  • Routine Care and Appointments

    • Doctors

    • Dentists

    • Eyes

  • Meditation

  • Therapeutic and Medical Massage

  • Reiki/Energy Healing

  • Chiropractic work

  • Breathwork

  • Socializing and Group Activities

  • Volunteering and Philanthropy

  • Wellness Coaching

    • Life

    • Financial Behavior

  • Unconventional and Conventional Therapies

    • Mental

    • Music

    • Cranial Sacral

    • Physical

Stephanie Parker, CPA, MSFP, Co-Owner of Danvers Wellness Center, and Business Life Coach 

Danvers Wellness Center

Danvers Wellness Center Mission

Danvers Wellness Center by Soul Warrior is dedicated to helping its members heal Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually through healing modalities such as: Movement Therapy, Personal Training, Stretch Sessions, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing Sessions, Reiki, Meditation, Nutrition Coaching, Community & Healing Circles & Educational Workshops.


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