Taking Charge of Your Health: Managing and Preventing Common Men's Health Issues
Your health is your most valuable asset, and taking proactive steps to manage and prevent common men's health issues is essential for a fulfilling and vibrant life. Let's dive into some valuable tips and practices to safeguard your heart health, prostate health, and overall well-being!
DNA Based Fitness Nutrition Testing and Coaching
A new area of Fitness & Nutrition is emerging, and it is known as Genetics based Fitness & Nutrition Coaching. Previously two individuals performing the same workouts and consuming similar nutrition would have very different results. Today, we have technology identifying one’s DNA so we can create a plan that is unique to the client. No two people are alike; therefore, no two plans are alike.
Whole Wellness: It’s More Than Physical Health
Many people believe that wellness is simply working out and eating well. That’s it. This is just ONE small piece of wellness. If you want to FEEL good, we must take a step back and learn about wellness in a holistic way. In short, all eight aspects of wellness are important to live a balanced, whole life.