Embracing Celestial Magic: November's Planetary Movements

As the winds of autumn continues to blow, November graces us with a celestial dance, illuminating the darkness with its cosmic wonders. Let’s journey through this month's celestial events, where the planets align and the moon waxes and wanes, inviting us to connect with the mysteries of the universe.


1. Saturn Moves Direct: Unveiling the Path Ahead (November 4th)

Saturn, the stern taskmaster of the zodiac, awakens from its retrograde slumber in Aquarius on November 4th. As it resumes its forward motion, it urges us to reassess our long-term goals and commitments. The wisdom gained during its retrograde period serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward our aspirations.


2. Last Quarter Moon: Reflection and Release (November 5th)

Under the waning light of the Last Quarter Moon, we find ourselves in a moment of reflection. It's a time to evaluate the progress we've made throughout the lunar cycle, releasing what no longer serves us and paving the way for new beginnings that await in the shadows.


3. New Moon in Libra: Embracing Balance and Harmony (November 13th)

The New Moon in Libra graces the night sky on November 13th, inviting us to seek balance and harmony in our lives. Libra's gentle energy encourages us to harmonize our relationships, finding equilibrium between our desires and the needs of others. It’s a potent time for setting intentions focused on partnerships, diplomacy, and inner peace.


4. First Quarter Moon: Taking Inspired Action (November 20th)

Under the waxing light of the First Quarter Moon, our intentions gain momentum. It's a time of action and initiative, where the universe beckons us to move forward with confidence. As the moon grows, so does our determination, urging us to take inspired steps toward our goals.


5. Full Beaver Moon in Taurus: Embracing Abundance (November 27th)

The Full Beaver Moon in Taurus graces the sky on November 27th, casting a warm glow upon the Earth. Named after the beavers who diligently prepare for winter, this moon symbolizes abundance, resourcefulness, and preparation. It's a time to reflect on the fruits of our labor, embracing gratitude for the abundance in our lives.


6. Planetary Dances

Sun: The Sun moves into Libra on November 2nd, illuminating the qualities of balance, fairness, and partnership.

Mercury: Mercury’s journey takes it through the depths of Scorpio on November 10th, delving into the mysteries of the subconscious. Later, it ventures into the enigmatic Ophiuchus on November 16th, bridging the realms of science and spirituality. On November 29th, Mercury finds inspiration in Sagittarius, inviting us to explore the expanses of knowledge and wisdom.

Venus: Venus enters practical Virgo on November 3rd, grounding our relationships and connections in practicality and service.

Mars: Mars, the fiery warrior, embraces the depths of Scorpio on November 23rd, infusing us with intensity, passion, and determination.

7. Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron: Retrograde Movements

In the vast tapestry of the cosmos, Jupiter remains in retrograde within the fiery realms of Aries, urging us to reevaluate our beliefs and expand our horizons with courage.

Uranus, the rebel, toes the line between Taurus and Aries, inviting us to embrace unexpected changes and innovations, even amidst the stability of Earth's grounding energy.

Neptune, the dreamer, lingers in the depths of Pisces, its retrograde motion inviting us to explore the realms of spirituality, intuition, and the unseen.

Pluto, the transformer, stays rooted in Sagittarius, guiding us through profound inner shifts and rebirths.

Chiron, the wounded healer, remains in retrograde within the compassionate waters of Pisces, urging us to embrace our vulnerabilities and find healing within our wounds.


As November unfolds, let's open our hearts and minds to the cosmic energies that surround us. Each planetary movement, every phase of the moon, carries its unique gifts and lessons. By aligning ourselves with the celestial rhythms, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual enlightenment. Let us revel in the magic of the universe and embrace the wisdom it bestows upon us, guiding our steps through the infinite cosmic dance.


Courtney Lillie, Cosmic Connection Guide & Reiki Master


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